Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fun Filled Weekend

I'm sitting in bed winding down after a fun yet tiring weekend. Friday night I worked, saturday morning I taught Saturday School, then I went home a slept for a little while. Saturday evening I hurried up and got my niece a $25 gift card from Old Navy and stopped by her party for a little bit. She is only two and the house was filled with 2-10 year olds. It was nice for a moment, but the noise and kids running around became a bit overwhelming. Saturday Night I went to work and was so tired I didn't make it to church this morning. This is the first Sunday in a month of Sundays that I missed Church but I will be right back the next Sunday.

Since we don't celebrate Holloween there was no candy for the trick or treaters at our house. In fact we weren't even there! My husband is a major football fan and we participate in his family's fantasy league so today we went over to his Aunt's house and had dinner, watched football, and just had family fun. I can't wait until I quit my second job so that I can do this more often.

All in all this weekend was good! We paid off my American Express card and I only spent $30.00 the $25 gift card to Old Navy and a card for my niece.

I wonder what this week will bring! I am thinking about goals for the week.... do you have any?

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