Monday, April 13, 2009

I'm Back

Panama was beautiful... it was wonderful and it was everything that I needed. It was also surprisingly inexpensive. My BFF and I stayed at a hotel where I got us a discount. In fact I went down their with $400.00 and had over $50.00 left when my guy picked us up from the airport.

Now it's back to real life. I again did not budget this month but all my bills are paid except for my car insurance and PGW bill. Those will be paid by the end of the week. It is also the end of semester in school so I have some major assignments coming up that I need to focus on.

I am still hoping to have my car paid off by the end of the year... not by June. The tenants put a damper that. I also am working towards having my emergency fund up to $20,000 by the end of the summer.

Next stop, Costa Rica for Memorial Day!!!

Until next time, think prosperous thoughts


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