Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Financial Freedom is like an Oak Tree

On thursday DH is going to buy me the book by Keith Cameron Smith but until then I have been reading more about him on his website and through other sources. He talks about how the goal of the poor is to just survive, the goals of the middle class is just to be comfortable, but ah.. the goals of the rich and the very rich are to experience Freedom!!!

He says, "It's OK to have a plan for survival, it's OK to have a plan for comfort, but just make sure that most of your mental energy is focused on freedom. Then you'll start experientially understanding the old saying, "Seek and you will find." If you seek to survive, you will. If you seek to be comfortable, you will be. But if you seek freedom, you will find it. It just takes longer to create freedom in your life than it does to create survival. Does it take longer to grow a weed or an oak tree?
Financial freedom is like an oak tree, where survival or comfort is like growing a weed or a little bush; it doesn't take too long."

What does this mean? As a women thinketh so shall she be!!!! If you think thoughts of freedom, prosperity, love, hope, etc.. it will come to pass.

Don't be discouraged if it takes some time, maybe even a couple of decades. Stay the course and You will achieve it!!!!

What does Freedom mean to you?

until next time, think prosperous thoughts


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