Hi everyone,
I am in Charleston, SC for a wedding but finances are on my mind. One of my goals for the year is to not put any Christmas gifts on credit cards as I did last year. I was considering opening up a Christmas Club account with one of the local credit unions, however I figured ING Direct was just as good.
As you know I have a ING savings account for my 5 weeks in NYC, as well as a ING savings for car expenses. I also utilize my ING checking account to pay for any expenses that come out of those savings accounts. Today I added another ING savings account to the ones that I already have called " Christmas Account". I will fund $100.00 a month from now until December giving me $900.00 to use for Christmas presents.
How are you saving for Christmas?
Until next time, think prosperous thoughts
I get paid every other week (versus twice a month), so there are two times a year when I get an "extra" check. My next 3 paycheck month is July, so I'm going to split that check between my Car Repair Fund and my Gifts Fund. So I'll be establishing my Christmas fund in one fell swoop!
I do the same thing you do, just with a different amount.
I do the same thing you do! For Christmas and Mother's/Father's Day gifts...
I would really like to do the same thing. I put Christmas on the credit card last year and that's just not an option for 2010. I am tweaking the budget to see how I can fit it in. =)
good for all of us. Here's to a 2010 Christmas in cash!
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