Monday, January 25, 2010

One step closer to maxing out my Roth

Every journey begins with the first step, right? Well, I have taken the first step to making sure that I fully fund my Roth IRA. That is one of my 2010 goals. This morning I set up automatic savings of $417.00 a month starting in February for the rest of the year to go directly from my checking account to my Roth IRA account. I figure a couple months out out of the year I will have to add a couple hundred more to the account since I didn't start my contributions in January and then I will be maxed out.

It helps that I know have my vision board hung on the wall in my bedroom, so now I have the opportunity to look at my goals everyday and make plans to reach them.

I'm excited about this year and all the amazing things that are in store. I feel more at peace this year then I have ever felt in my life.

God's perfect peace is a wonderful thing!

Until next time, think prosperous thoughts