Sunday, November 29, 2009

I won't be able to max out my Roth this year.

One of my goals for the year is to max out my Roth IRA. However I won't be able to put any money to it until after the new year. I also will be paying for my wedding as well as trying to get out of student loan debt. I wanted to max out the Roth because this year was my 25th year and I felt like it should have been a milestone.

But Alas, you can't do everything at once. So I will be okay with having $2000 in my Roth for this year and maxing it out for next year, and every year after.

I also will not end the year with a $10,000 emergency fund. I started grad school during the summer and lived in NYC and depleted my funds, and used some of my emergency fund to pay off my car but am slowly building it back up.

Thank God for next month.... and next year!

until next time, think prosperous thoughts



A Day in the Life of Mocha said...

Just think about what you have compeleted this year...

Its sucks you can't make out your Roth but next year you will be on it..I am sure...

I can't wait until your wedding..U gotta post pixs...

look at me jumping gun already

Eve said...

@Mocha.. you know i will!!

Anonymous said...

Since reading Dave's book, are you still planning to max out your Roth in 2010?