Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My goals from now until the end 2008 (not s.m.a.r.t)

its about 5:13 in the morning and I am at my second job waiting for 7 am to come. I have been here all night playing around with this mortgage prepayment calculator that I found and coming up with a list of goals that I want accomplished by December 31, 2008. They are not SMART goals( I will have them done later today) but this is a rough list so I kinda know the direction that I am heading.

1. Eliminate Stafford (small balance) Loan and Direct Student Loan

2. Beef emergency fund up to $3000.00

3. Add $125-$198 to my mortgage payment each month. I'm leaning towards $198.00. I will tell you why later

4. Save $50.00 a week in ING sub account for Christmas

5. Get A's on my 3 grad school classes in the fall

6. Increase school district paycheck my 200.00 each pay period

7. Buy a desktop MAC for myself for Christmas

8. Have $1000.00 in Roth IRA

thats it for now, I will elaborate later.

until next time, think prosperous thoughts


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