Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Its Not about Me!

John McCain said those words during an interview on CNN Sunday night about faith and politics with Pastor Rick Warren who leads Saddleback Church, and is also the author of the best selling book The Purpose Driven Life.

It's not about me, It's not about me, It's not about me.... although I did not listen to much of John McCain's interview ( I was waiting for Obama's) those words have stuck with me for the past three days. Now here it is 5:30 in the morning and I am up, the words denying me of sleep.

I believe God is trying to tell me something, and so rather than ignore it...I have decided to this is the first morning of forty day spiritual journey, that will include me reading The Purpose Driven Life( It's not about me are the first words in the book), fasting, and redeveloping my prayer life.

Why? Why am going to do this now?

because it's not about me.

This is God's will and well.. I live for him.... and it seems that in the midst of focusing on my finances, and business ventures, that I have forgotten about HIM.. and my purpose for living. So I am going back to the beginning.. back to my first love, back to the dreams and visions he has given me, and back into his arms.

I hear his voice saying "It's Preparation Time" Preparation for what? well...He hasn't told me... yet!

Join me on this journey back to the beginning..... doesn't cost a thing... except your heart but believe me, its worth it!

until next time, think prosperous thoughts


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